These are actually two mostly identical games:
High and Low. Most people I have played with
find Low to be the more fun version. These are
games that can be played with any number of
players, including an odd number. The more
people that play, the more fun they are.
The Object:
To be the only person in the game with any lives
The Scoring:
Names are written in any order down the left
side of the scoreboard. Usually a throw of
one dart each sets the playing order with closet
to the bulls-eye throwing first. After the first
game, play order is played with whoever lost first
plays first on down to the winner playing last.
Three tally marks are placed next to each name to
indicate the number of lives left and High or Low
is written on the top to indicate the version being
The Play:
First, I'm going to explain High because it is
simpler than Low. The first player throws two darts
SIMULTANEOUSLY to set a starting number. The first
player has no chance to lose a life and therefore is
handicapped from hitting a really good score to put
the next player at a higher risk. The sum of the
two darts is written on the board, this is the target
number for the next player.
The next player throws three darts in the traditional
manner trying to score a higher total than the previous
player. Remember that higher means higher, ties to the
number DO NOT count unless the score is over 100 points.
If a player has scored higher than the previous player, no
life is lost. If the score was not higher the player erases
one life. Either way, that player's score is the new score
for the next player to beat. The old score is erased or
crossed out and the new score written on the board.
Play continues until only one player has any lives left and
he/she wins.
Now let's talk about Low. Low is played exactly like High
except that you must score LOWER than the previous player's
score to not lose a life. "Easy, I'll just throw all three darts
off the board!" WRONG. Any darts that miss or fall out of
the board count as 25 points!
Another twist to this game is that if you hit a bulls-eye, 25
points are SUBTRACTED from your score! So, if you mange to
somehow hit three double bullsesyes, your score would be -150
(negative one-hundred-fifty)!
Pretty interesting, huh? If you've played x01 before, you'll
be absolutely astounded by how many triple-20's you'll hit
while aiming for the fat single-1!! Just remember, Murphy was
an optomist.
These games really don't have much strategy. When I play Low, I
always like to throw the first dart at bull in hopes of starting
my total with -25 or -50. If I miss, I just try to lob two fat
In either game, if you know you're going to lose a life anyway
and the player after you is near death, you might want to consider
helping out with your last dart by setting up an easier score. Or
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